Daily Duties of Professional Roofers
Roofing is an excellent profession for someone who enjoys physical work and working with their hands. It also helps if you like working in various locations and don’t mind heights. The typical daily tasks include setup, such as putting the ladders in place, unloading the tar paper and shingles, and hauling the new materials up to the roof. Tearing off the old roofing materials is often an essential duty before you can install the new materials. Part of each day also involves planning activities and determining which roofer will execute each task.
Each property has unique requirements due to the varying home designs, the placement of dormers, chimneys, skylights, and other elements of the building that penetrate the roof.
Each penetrating element requires custom-fitted flashing, which seals the area around the penetrating element to ensure water does not flow through the opening in the roof. There are some differences in responsibility depending on whether you are a new or experienced roofer or if you are a crew chief.
An essential duty throughout the day, especially at day’s end, is to pick up the area to ensure everything is neat and clean. Roofers do not want to leave nails or other materials around that could cause injury to others. Other materials need to be picked up and disposed of properly.